Tag: Facebook News
News from our Facebook Page
Got a very busy lunchtime ahead of us, still some space for food later on but plenty of room for drinkers all lunch! Quelle Saison from Beavertown new on our guest keg slot, definitely worth a try in my opinion October 16, 2016 at 11:49AM
News from our Facebook Page
Although advertised that we are having a quiz this evening, it was cancelled after our advertising deadline so we are open as usual for food and drink this evening. Brewers Gold fresh on and Doosra from Greene King October 15, 2016 at 10:20AM
News from our Facebook Page
Some lovely beers on the way for you all, Posh from Crouch Vale on at the moment with more Brewers Gold, Dark Star Hophead and some lovely beers from Adnams too October 13, 2016 at 10:41AM
Normal food service is resumed from Tuesday (tomorrow), some new things will be appearing on our menu over the next week or two. Watch this space!
The Hare and Hounds, Leavenheath http://ift.tt/28Vm8FB
Please note that we won’t be serving food for one week from 13th September. Normal food service will resume from 20th September. We are open for drinks as normal
The Hare and Hounds, Leavenheath http://ift.tt/28Vm8FB
And it’s Sunday again! Lots of lovely beers for you to try and some cracking food to match, food 12-3pm and we’re open from 12-10pm PLUS as it’s a Bank Holiday we’re also open tomorrow 12-7pm with food until 2pm!
The Hare and Hounds, Leavenheath http://ift.tt/28Vm8FB
It might be 30ºC outside but our beer certainly isn’t! Our cellar equipment is working hard to keep lagers between 4-6ºC and ales between 11-13ºC so you can be sure that your pint will be extra refreshing!
The Hare and Hounds, Leavenheath http://ift.tt/28Vm8FB
What lovely weather it is today! Don’t let that put you off coming down though, we have some lovely beer and some even lovelier food for you to try.
The Hare and Hounds, Leavenheath http://ift.tt/28Vm8FB
What lovely weather it is today! Don’t let that put you off coming down though, we have some lovely beer and some even lovelier food for you to try.
The Hare and Hounds, Leavenheath http://ift.tt/28Vm8FB
We are in need of a Sunday pot wash! Hours are 11:30 – 3/3:30 every Sunday with the possibility of more shifts in busier times. Minimum age 16, good rate of pay, no experience necessary and immediate start! Please send us a message if you’re interested
The Hare and Hounds, Leavenheath http://ift.tt/28Vm8FB