Category: Uncategorized
News from the H&H, Leavenheath – QUIZ TONIGHT!! Kicks off from about 7pm with chips at half time for all teams. In aid of Stoke by Nayland Primary…
QUIZ TONIGHT!! Kicks off from about 7pm with chips at half time for all teams. In aid of Stoke by Nayland Primary…
News from the H&H, Leavenheath – What better excuse to escape the snow than to come to the pub and enjoy a nice pint! We even have a roaring open…
What better excuse to escape the snow than to come to the pub and enjoy a nice pint! We even have a roaring open…
News from the H&H, Leavenheath – Bit late to the game but if you haven’t got any plans for your special one on Valentines Day check out our menu…
Bit late to the game but if you haven’t got any plans for your special one on Valentines Day check out our menu…
News from the H&H, Leavenheath Hair of the Dog from @NethergateBrew coming on tomorrow, come and enjoy! Beer from @drinkmoorbeer (So Hop) over the weekend! @JollyGoodBeer
Hair of the Dog from @NethergateBrew coming on tomorrow, come and enjoy! Beer from @drinkmoorbeer (So Hop) over the weekend! @JollyGoodBeer
** STAFF WANTED ** (18+) mainly Bar and Waiting work. Experience not necessary but preferred, training will be…
** STAFF WANTED ** (18+) mainly Bar and Waiting work. Experience not necessary but preferred, training will be…
Crouch Vale – Blackwater Mild and Dark Star – Hop Head on at the moment. Got some interesting beers from Moor…
Crouch Vale – Blackwater Mild and Dark Star – Hop Head on at the moment. Got some interesting beers from Moor…
Triple layered carrot cake on the specials board tomorrow… Yum!
Triple layered carrot cake on the specials board tomorrow… Yum!
Lovely pint @drinkmoorbeer – RAW. Unfined & naturally hazy but totally delicious beer! Also @crouchvale Brewers Gold
Lovely pint @drinkmoorbeer – RAW. Unfined & naturally hazy but totally delicious beer! Also @crouchvale Brewers Gold
Happy New Year to you all. Back to reality now – normal opening times from tomorrow onwards. Fresh barrels of…
Happy New Year to you all. Back to reality now – normal opening times from tomorrow onwards. Fresh barrels of…