Category: Uncategorized
News from the H&H, Leavenheath – Burger night tonight – you know the deal! £8 for a wicked homemade burger with cheese, bacon and chips PLUS a…
Burger night tonight – you know the deal! £8 for a wicked homemade burger with cheese, bacon and chips PLUS a…
News from the H&H, Leavenheath – Got some interesting beers on this week including; Crouch Vale – Conkeror, Thornbridge – Lord Marples, Cloudwater…
Got some interesting beers on this week including; Crouch Vale – Conkeror, Thornbridge – Lord Marples, Cloudwater…
News from the H&H, Leavenheath – We second this offer too!
We second this offer too!
News from the H&H, Leavenheath – Proud to announce we are now Cask Marque accredited! Why not come and have a pint to help us celebrate! Currently…
Proud to announce we are now Cask Marque accredited! Why not come and have a pint to help us celebrate! Currently…
News from the H&H, Leavenheath – Guest keg this week – Thornbridge AM:PM (All day IPA)
Guest keg this week – Thornbridge AM:PM (All day IPA)
News from the H&H, Leavenheath – Wondering where to take your group of friends or colleagues for a Christmas party in December? Why not check out…
Wondering where to take your group of friends or colleagues for a Christmas party in December? Why not check out…
News from the H&H, Leavenheath – It just about fit in the bay!
It just about fit in the bay!
News from the H&H, Leavenheath – The menu today: Still got tables available – Book now!
The menu today: Still got tables available – Book now!
News from the H&H, Leavenheath – Fresh barrel of Brewers Gold on today alongside Adnams Wild Hop. Come and hide from the horrible rain with us!
Fresh barrel of Brewers Gold on today alongside Adnams Wild Hop. Come and hide from the horrible rain with us!
News from the H&H, Leavenheath – Dark Star – Hophead and Mighty Oak – Captain Bob on today, plus it’s burger night so enjoy either of those or any…
Dark Star – Hophead and Mighty Oak – Captain Bob on today, plus it’s burger night so enjoy either of those or any…